Monument in Møens Contregarde

In the outer ring of ramparts, the so-called ”Smedelinje” (The Blacksmiths line) near the corner of Grønningen and Folke Barnadottes Alle, a monument was revieled on 6th July 1920, comemorating the volonteers of Norway and Sweden, who fell during the two Schleswig wars. The monument is done by the sculptor Anders Bundgaard on initiative by “Danmarks-Samfundet”.  In the ceremony that took place on the 71st anniversary of the Battle of Fredericia, 5 Swedish veterans from 1864 took part as well.

On both sides of the center part, the names of the fallen Norvigians and Swedes have been carved in relief. To the left 13 fallen in the Three-year-war, to the right 15 fallen during the war of 1864.

1. (NO) Menig (private) of 10. lette Infanteribataljon, 1. kompagni, nr. 6 Johan Frederik Emil Knudsen, born 11th April 1814 in Copenhagen, wounded at Kolding 23rd April 1848, taken prisoner, died in lazaret 25th April, buried in Slesvig Sankt Michaelis churchyard 26th April. Son of Georg Frederik Knudsen and Birgitte Lucie Gude. He lost his father a 3-year-old and moved with his mother to Moss in Norway. Graduated from the University of Kristania (today Oslo) 1835 in Philosophy. Worked in a library in Paris, France, studied law at Copenhagen University, volunteered 1848, took part in the battle of Kolding.

2. (S) Premierløjtnant (first Lieutenant) of 2. lette Bataljon Knut Otto Erik baron Leijonhufvud, born 27th April 1823 in Gävle (Gävle församling, Gävleborg län), fallen at Dybbøl 5th June 1848, buried in Ulkebøl kirkegård 8th June. Son of major of Helsinge Infanteriregiment Carl Gregor baron Leijonhufvud and Ulrika Eleonora Silfverstolpe.
Student 1841. Liutenant of Hälsinge regiment 1845. Volonteer 1st Liutenant in the Danish Army 19.5.1848. Participated in the battles of Dybbøl in May and June 1848. (Boeck) (Selmer I, 90-95)

3. (S) Premierløjtnant of 5th Linjeinfanteribataljon Gustaf Lorenz Sommelius, born 19th October 1811 in Mörrum (Mörrum församling, Blekinge län), wounded at Vester Dybbøl 5th June 1848, dead at arrival at Augustenborg hospital same day, burried in Augustenborg kirkegård 9th June. Son of rev. Johan Reinhold Sommelius and Carolina Gustava Trägårdh.
Student 1829.  Lieutenant of Älvsborg regiment 1837. Volunteer First Lieutenant  in Danish service 30.5.1848. Fought in the battles of Dybbøl 1848. (Boeck) (Selmer I, 95-96)

4. (NO) Sekond Lieutenant of 10. lette Infanteribataljon Leopold Herman Severin Løvenskiold, born 31st March 1813 at Fossum hovedgård (Gjerpen sogn, Telemark fylke), wounded at Dybbøl 5th June 1848, taken prisoner, died in Flensborg lazaret 11th June 1848, burried in Sønderborg kirkegård 5th July. Son of prefect Severin Løvenskiold and Hedevig Sophie komtesse Knuth.
Kadet 1825,byt left school after 6 years. Later student student and took a farmer education. Volunteer Private in Danish service  30.3.1848. Corporal 9.4.1848. Sekond  Lieutenant 24.5.1848. Fought in the battles of Bov, Slesvig and Dybbøl. He was the first Scandinavian to join the Danes. During the short armistice between the battles of Slesvig and Dybbøl, he traveled back to Norway, where he advocated the Danish cause. Shortly after he returned followed by 30 new vulonteers, mostly students. (Boeck) (Selmer I, 98-103)

5. (S) Corporal at 10. lette Infanteribataljon, 1. kompagni, nr. 5 Axel Theodor Lundbom, born 2nd April 1823 in Lund, wounded at Dybbøl 5th June 1848, taken prisoner, died in Flensborg lazaret 22nd June, burried in Flensborg Sankt Mariæ kirkegård 25th June. Son of merchant Peter Lundbom and Botilda Torsslow.
Draper in Kristianstad. Volunteer Corporal in Danish service 28.5.1848.

6. (S) Sergeant of the Artillery Batteri Grove Otto Numa Pompelius Appelberg, born ca. 1825 in Småland, died from delerium tremens in Augustenborg lazaret 11th April 1849, buried in Augustenborg kirkegård 15th April.
Volunteer sergeant in Danish service from 15.5.1848. Served first at Batteri Schultz, from 25.6. at Batteri Grove.

7. (NO) Second Lieutenant of 4. Reservebataljon Gustav Valentin Mamen, born 16th January 1823 in Frederikshald (Halden sogn, Østfyld fylke), wounded by Ejstrup 23rd April 1849, died in Fredericia lazaret same day, buried at Fredericia Trinitatis kirkegård 2nd April. Son of wholesaler Dines Klein Mamen and Christine Rohde Andersen.
Language Teacher in Oslo 1847. Volunteer sergeant in Danish service 21.3.1848. Second  Lieutenant 16.3.1849. Fought at Dybbøl 1848 and at Kolding 1849. (Boeck)

8. (S) Second  Lieutenant of 1. lette Infanteribataljon Erik August Theodor Duse, born 18th December 1817, fallen at Fredericia 6th July 1849, buried at Fredericia Trinitatis kirkegård 8th July. Son of ritmester Gustaf Adolf Duse and Christina Elisabeth Wallberg Brun.
Sergeant at 2. Lifgrenadierregementet, Under Lieutenant at Nerikes regiment 1841. Volunteer second Lieutenant in Danish service dansk 21.6.1848. Fought in the battles of Dybbøl and Fredericia. He was recommended for promotion and for receiving a Knights Cross just before he died. (Boeck)

9. (S) Sharpshooter at 3. Jægerkorps, 2. kompagni Carl Ludvig Hagberg, born 2nd March 1826 i Munktorp, Västerås stift, fallen by Fredericia 6th July 1849, burried at Fredericia Trinitatis kirkegård 8th July. Son of Carl Hagberg and Carolina Sophia Berglund. Sergeant. And volunteer sharpshooter in Danish service 8.5.1849.

10. (S) First  Lieutenant  of 1. Forstærkningsjægerkorps Carl Olof friherre Cederström, born 28th  September 1824 in Jällagård (Vaksala församling, Uppsala län), wounded at Fredericia 6th July 1849, died in Billeshave lazaret 7th August, buried at Middelfart kirkegård 10th August. Son of landshøvding Jacob baron Cederström and Anna Margaretha friherreinde Cederwald.
Under Lieutenant at  Svea Lifgarde 1846, Lieutenant 1849. Volunteer First  Lieutenant  in Danish service1.4.1849. Fought at Fredericia. (Boeck)

11. (NO) Second Lieutenant of 3. Forstærkningsbataljon Carl Herman Holst, born 3rd June 1819 in Kristiania, wounded at Fredericia 6th July 1849, died at Billeshave lazaret 8th July, buried in  Middelfart kirkegård 13th July. Son of Head of Office Johan Christian Holst and Cathrine Dorothea Behmann.
Cadet 1839, left school without exam 1841. Sergeant in 2. Lifgardet, Stockholm 1842. Swedish Officers Exam May 1843. UnderLieutenant of Jämtlands feltjægerregiment 1844. Volunteer SecondLieutenant  17.4.1848, served first at 1. Reservebataljon thenfrom 22.6.1849 at 3. Forstærkningsbataljon. Took part in the battles of Dybbøl and Fredericia 1849. (Boeck) (Selmer II, 425-428)

12. (S) First  Lieutenant of 1. Forstærkningsjægerkorps Axel friherre Lagerbjelke, born 21st August 1824 in Stockholm, wounded at Fredericia 6th July 1849, diedd in Københavns garnisonshospital 11th August, buried from Holmens kirke 15th August. Son of Col. Carl friherre Lagerbjelke and Carolina Antoinette Cederström.
Cadet 1838, under Lieutenant of Svea Lifgarde 1843, Lieutenant 1847. Volunteer First  Lieutenant in Danish service 22.3.1849. Fought in the battle of Fredericia. (Boeck)

13. (NO) Corporal of 5. Linjeinfanteribataljon, 3. kompagni, nr. 8  Hans Christian Christoffersen Lund, fallen at Isted 25th July 1850, buried at Flensborg Sankt Mariæ kirkegård 28th July.

14. (NO) Leading Doctor Søren Daniel Schiøtz, born 24th December 1828 in Stavanger (Domsognet, Rogaland fylke), died from fever in Augustenborg lazaret 8th March 1864, buried at Augustenborg kirkegård 10th March. Son of Søren Daniel Schiøtz and Charlotte Petrea Rosenkilde. Maried to Anna Cathrine Elisabeth Collett (d. 1915). 1852. Company Surgeon at the Norwegian Guard in Stockholm 1863. Volunteer Undersurgeon in Danish Service 12.2.1864. (Boeck)

15. (S) Corporal of 2. Infanteriregiment, 2. kompagni, Extranumber 1Gustaf Robert Göransson, born in Stockholm, fallen at Dybbøl 28th March 1864, buried in Sønderborg kirkegård 1st April.

16. (S) Private of Captain Aarøes Corps Carl Andersson, fallen during landing at the East coast of Jutland on the night between 16th and 17th April 1864, buried in Assens kirkegård 20th April.

17. (NO) Privat of 2. Infanteriregiment, 1. kompagni, Extra number 3 C. F. Spjørck, believed to have fallen at Dybbøl 18th April 1864.

18. (S) Sergeant of Artillery, 6. Fæstningskompagni (Hertel) L. A. Lundström, fallen at Dybbøl 18. april 1864, buried in Sønderborg kirkegård 19th April.

19. (S) Second Lieutenant at 20. Infanteriregiment Carl Leonard Roos, born 1821 in Stockholm, fallen at Dybbøl 18th April 1864, buried between Entrenchment III and IV at Dybbøl 19th April as Under . Lieutenant. Volunteer Sergeant in Danish service 1848-49. Volunteer Second  Lieutenant 25.3.1864. Fought at Dybbøl. (Boeck)

20. (S) Second Lieutenant at 22. Infanteriregiment Gustaf Herman von Knorring, born 31st August 1839 in Ruda (Asby församling, Östergötland län), fallen at Dybbøl 18th April 1864, buried in Dybbøl kirkegård 19th April. Son of Captain Sebastian von Knorring and Eva Fredrika Vilhelmina friherreinde Lybecker.
Student 1859. Under  Lieutenant of 1. Lifgrenaderregiment 1860. Volunteer Second Lieutenant12.4.1864. Fought at Dybbøl. (Boeck)

21. (S) Privat of 2. Infanteriregiment, 5. kompagni, Extra nr. 5 S. Stenmark, born in Stockholm, believed to have fallen at Dybbøl 18th April 1864.

22. (S) Second Lieutenant of 22. Infanteriregiment Johan Sigfrid Gamaliel Lundegren, born 15th February 1840 in Kungsbacka (Kungsbacka församling, Halland län), wounded at Dybbøl 18th April 1864, taken prisoner, died in Stenderup lazaret 28th April, buried in Københavns Garnisons kirkegård 13th May. Son of Rev. Johan Lundegren and Christina Maria Torell.
Student 1857. Under Lieutenant of Hallands Infanteribataljon 1860. Voluntee Second  Lieutenant 16.4.1864. Fought in the battle of Dybbøl. (Boeck)

23. (S) Second Lieutenant of 3. Infanteriregiment Henrik Wilhelm Leonard Berzelius, born 15th March 1831 in Vadstena, fallen at Kærby in Als 29th June 1864, buried in Ulkebøl kirkegård 2nd Julyi. Søn af apoteker H.W.L. Berzelius og Sara Christina Lindqvist.
Under Lieutenant at Jönköpings regiment 1855-58. Volunteer second Lieutenant 20.4.1864. Fought in the battle of Dybbøl and on Als. (Boeck)

24. (S) Corporal of the Artillery, 3. Fæstningskompagni Gustaf Hammarström, wounded during the figting in Als 29th June 1864, taken prisoner, died in Augustenborg lazaret same day, buried in Augustenborg kirkegård 8th July.

25. (S) Private of 5. Infanteriregiment, 3. kompagni, nr. 18 Peter Fredrik Christoffer Lindblad, born in Linköping, wounded during the fighting in Als 29th June 1864, taken prisoner, died in Sønderborg lazaret 5th July, buried in Sønderborg kirkegård 10th July.

26. (S) First Lieutenant of 1. Infanteriregiment Pehr Johan Conrad Betzholtz, born 21st March 1827 in Övre Manilla djurgård at Stockholm, wounded by Lundby 3rd July1864, taken prisoner, died in Hobro lazaret 26th July, funerl service in Aalborg Budolfi kirke, buried in Stockholm Maria kirkegård 15th October. Son off trädgårdsmestare (garderner) Betzholtz and Ebba Sophia Söderqvist.
 Volunteer at Livregimentets dragoner 1846. Volunteer Corporal in Danish service 1849-50, was at his dimission in 1851 promoted Second Lieutenant. Swedish Lieutenant in Älvsborg regiment 1850, later Lifbeväringsregimentet 1859. Volunteer First Lieutenant in Danish Service 14.4.1864. Fought in the battle of Lundby. (Boeck)

27. (S) Privat of 1. Infanteriregiment, 5. kompagni, nr. 598 Robert Emil Ekström, born 23rd February 1840 in Vänersborg (Vänersborg församling, Älvsborg län), wounded at Lundby 3rd July 1864, taken prisoner, died in Aalborg lazaret 15th August, buried in Nørresundby kirkegård 19th August. Son of Robert William Ekström and Emilia Mehlen.

28. (S) Second  Lieutenant of 10. Infanteriregiment Christian Sophus Lucian Eugene Schüberg, born 27th September 1843 at Smidstrupgård, Hørsholm sogn, died from typhoid fever in Odense lazaret 13th August 1864, buried in Odense kirkegård 19th August. Son of forrester Frederik Wilhelm Theodor Schüberg and Anne Hansen.
Went with his parents to Gotland in 1846. Under Lieutenant at Gotlands Nationalbeväring 1863. Volunteer Second Lieutenant 6.4.1864. (Boeck)